FSI API Introduction

This section introduces the reference guide for the MRI Dreamscape JavaScript FSI API. The API implements a global JavaScript object that interacts with a MRI Dreamscape web application using the Page JavaScript code.

The FSI API methods are named "fsi.<name>". Typing "fsi." in the JavaScript code editor invokes the IntelliSense feature which displays a list of matching FSI API methods. See also Code Editor.

Warning | FSI API methods are case-sensitive; for example, typing fsi.getbyId() instead of fsi.getById() will error when executed, but will not be flagged as an error in the editor. It's safer to select the method from the IntelliSense list.


The subTenantId value is used by various methods in the FSI API. To discover the subTenantId for a sub tenant, select it in the portal Sub Tenants list and then click Edit. The subTenantId is shown at the end of the page URL:

This parameter should not be confused with the data object field of the same name.